Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In the pouring rain

In pouring rain I hear the soft pitter patter against our tin roof. The sound rolls around in my ears like the sound of a long white waterfall as it crashes down by the black viscous rocks below. The rain hits my head and bounces off like my heads a
trampoline. The little rain drops hit the hard ground forming great puddles
that splatter everywhere when I take great strides through them. Awfully cold rain soaks through my clothes going strait to my skin sending shivers all down my body. The rain sends great thrills around my body. I walk to the lovely warmth of my home dripping thinking about what the rain does to me.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Phantom of the Opera

Hi I'm Jessica from room 9,
I'd like to run a play but there are a couple of very important parts you need to run a play as such a director, someone filming, a Tec Wizard, and maybe some CHARACTERS.
The play is called the phantom of the opera.
This play is meant to be chilling to the bone but it can't be without any cast.
We need one enthusiastic year six girl, and 4 fabulous year six actors.
This play includes singing and we are sending out programs so you and your signature will be in the program in your own little box.

So do you want to keep Britain's longest running Broadway show running into action!
If you do please see Jessica in room 9.

Thanks Jessica

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Well it's been a term and a half and we haven't used our blog! Time to kick into action! Room 9 people - please contribute something that you are proud of to our blog - some writing, a photo, thoughts on a current event...
The world - please feel free to add comments to our blog, give us ideas and feedback and share your thoughts!

Can't wait to see what we come up with!!!
